Road to Seamless Planning :: SAC Migration :: 2 :: Setup security settings Introduction As we move forward on our Road to Seamless Planning (, the next critical step in our SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) migration is setting up security in the new tenant. Security configurations ensure the right users and roles are assigned, access…

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Generate Combinations Function in SAC Planning In customer projects input queries are often restricted to only posted values to ensure optimal performance for the end-users. As business requirements are usually quite similar from year to year, this supports the end-user to easily plan their values in a well-arranged input form without thinking about validity of…

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STEPZ @ ZPARTNER – Part 3 Unsere erste STEPZ-Challenge geht langsam zu Ende und es wurden schon fleißig Schritte gesammelt. Für einen modernen Look haben wir STEPZ im Dark Mode implementiert. Da der Dark Mode aber nicht jedem zusagt, gibt es für die User die Möglichkeit, die App in den Light Mode zu switchen. Die…

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In this blog I want to focus on the usage of the BAdI for “Refining Input Help in Variable Screen” in context of SAP Analytics Cloud to enable special context-based filtering. In our example I would like to restrict the time and another dimension to values I choose randomly….

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Scope  SAP Analytics Cloud offers many possibilities for reporting and planning. Especially SAP Analytics Cloud core planning includes features like “Generating Private Versions” and “Advanced Commenting”. To be able to use SAP Analytics Cloud core planning, data have to be imported into SAP Analytics Cloud Planning Models. SAP Analytics Cloud Planning Models can use global dimension importing data from different sources. In a hybrid scenario with SAP BW as source system it could be very useful to use existing InfoObjects as import source for SAP Analytics Cloud global dimensions and keep data…

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A short summary of #ZPARTNER Bernhard Sauerteig’s interesting presentation about „SAC Analytics Cloud – Application Design“ at SAP Online Track 2020. You can find the complete presentation here: Thanks for your interest! Special Thanks to:…

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Since Business Explorer (BEX) Suite was introduced, back in 1998, SAP’s portfolio of Business Intelligence (BI) tools has continued to grow. The first major boost came in 2007 with the acquisitions of BusinessObjects (BO) as well as Outlooksoft (BPC) and their software products. In 2015 the now called Analytics Cloud was introduced enhancing the portfolio…

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SAP Analytics Cloud offers you the possibility to build your own Planning Model and Application within SAC natively. At a certain point you might want to think about, how to get this data exported to an On-Premise SAP Business Warehouse. This document covers the solution to export the Data from a SAC Data Model back to BW with an OData connection. …

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