SAC Analytic Application – Scripting for Beginners : Part 3 – How-to handle and calculate Dates In the first part of this SAC Scripting blog series, I shorty explained how Master Data can be read and changed in SAC Analytic Application with the help of scripting. In the second part, I showed how Data Actions…

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SAC Analytic Application – Scripting for Beginners : Part 2 – How-to hand over Parameters for Data Actions In the first part of this little SAC Scripting blog series I shorty explained how Master Data can be read and changed in SAC Analytic Application with the help of scripting. In this part, I am going…

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SAC Analytic Application – Scripting for Beginners : Part 1 How to read and change Master Data of Dimensions When working with SAC and setting up an Analytic Application, you will probably come across scripting.  If you are not an expert in Java Script, it will probably take some time until you are familiar with…

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Es bleibt spannend! Nach sehr torreichen Achtel- und Viertelfinalspielen starten morgen die Halbfinale der ⚽ EM 2021. Um die SAP Analytics Cloud im Einsatz erlebbar zu machen, haben wir ins diesem Jahr unser ZOCCER-Tippspiel auf der SAC Applikation aufgesetzt. Wir wünschen weiterhin eine spannende EM – nicht vergessen Eure Tipps abzugeben!…

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Introduction This How-to Paper provides guidance for an end-user on which settings/changes are necessary to make a new/existing SAP Analytics Cloud Story usable for a mobile device. Being able to access stories and dashboards with a single click on smartphones allows end users an instant view of any business and daily improvement. Especially due to…

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BPC Live Planung mit SAP Analytics Cloud Einleitung  Die SAP Analytics Cloud bietet neben der Analyse von Daten auch die Möglichkeit in der SAC selbst ein Planungsmodell zu erstellen und somit eine Planungslösung für den Endanwender zur Verfügung zu stellen. Ebenso gibt es aber auch die Möglichkeit bereits in einem SAP BW System erstellte Planungsmodelle mittels BPC und einer BPC…

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Introduction This How-to Paper provides guidance on how to display a deviation in a table in the SAP Analytics Cloud in conformity with the International Business Communication Standards. This type of visualization is very useful because you can visualize a table together with a bar/column chart. The possibility of combining two different forms of data…

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