SAP Business Data Cloud SAP hat soeben ihr neuestes Produkt, die SAP Business Data Cloud (BDC) vorgestellt. Mit der Einführung der SAP Business Data Cloud (BDC) vereinen sich SAP Datasphere (DSP), SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) und SAP Business Warehouse (BW) zu einer leistungsstarken Plattform. Eine bahnbrechende Neuerung ist die Integration generativer KI, die die SAP…

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DATA FLOWS IN SAP DATASPHERE (DWC) – Part1: Introduction  Disclaimer  SAP recently announced the launch of SAP Datasphere, which is the next generation of SAP Data Warehouse Cloud. Therefore, also the name from SAP Data Warehouse Cloud changed to SAP Datasphere. This blog, which was posted ahead of this change, refers to SAP Data Warehouse…

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SAP goes cloud, who didn’t hear about that yet? It is the future product portfolio strategy from SAP, therefore SAP built an enterprise-ready data warehouse in the cloud namely SAP Data Warehouse Cloud. It provides an end-to-end data warehouse that has capabilities to combine data management processes with advanced analytics. …

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