SAC Scripting – Part 1: Array Handling 1     General In the ever-evolving landscape of business intelligence, SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) stands out as a robust tool empowering organizations to make informed decisions through intuitive analytics and compelling visualizations. While SAC offers a user-friendly interface for building dashboards, there are instances where scripting become crucial to…

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ZPARTNER @ DSAG TT 2024  Wir waren auch dieses Jahr wieder bei den DSAG-Technologietagen vertreten. Besonders hat uns natürlich die SAP Analytics Agenda interessiert. Aber auch Hamburg hat, abgesehen vom Wetter 😉 , viel zu bieten. Was nehmen wir also mit?  Künstliche Intelligenz  Beeindruckend waren die praktischen Anwendungsfälle zur Künstlichen Intelligenz. In den Vorträgen wurde…

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How to enhance comments on BW/BPC live Connections in SAP Analytics Cloud with full name of the owner  Introduction  A very nice feature of commenting on BW/BPC live Connections in SAP Analytics Cloud was described by the blog of Gerd Schoeffl ( ). This feature is amazing, especially in the context of analytics.  In my…

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Lifecycle Management in SAC – Transporting in SAC: Multi-Tenant Landscape 1      General SAP Analytics Cloud is a powerful frontend and offers multiple options to share stories with consumers. When consumption is growing it is also very important that new developments are deployed smoothly for end users especially in a landscape with multiple tenants The following…

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Lifecycle Management in SAC – Content Network Storage: Multi-Content Network 1      General SAP Analytics Cloud is a powerful frontend tool and offers multiple options to share stories with consumers. When consumption is growing it is also very important that new developments are deployed smoothly for end users. Especially in a landscape with a tenant for…

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Lifecycle Management in SAC – Content Network Storage: Single-Tenant Landscape  General  SAP Analytics Cloud is a powerful frontend and offers multiple options to share stories with consumers.   When consumption is growing it is also very important that new developments are deployed smoothly for end users.  Especially in a landscape with one tenant, acting as development…

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SAC Change Models in Stories  General  SAP Analytics Cloud is a powerful frontend tool and offers multiple options to create stories for various consumers for the available data.  Stories/Dashboards are built on models. In some cases, it can be necessary to exchange a model in a story with a new one. For example: if the…

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Lifecycle Management in SAC – Transporting : Single-Tenant Landscape 1      General SAP Analytics Cloud is a powerful frontend and offers multiple options to share stories with consumers.  When consumption is growing it is also very important that new developments are deployed smoothly for end users. Especially in a landscape with one tenant, acting as development system,…

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STEPZ @ ZPARTNER with Google Fit Integration Introduction  If you follow ZPARTNER, you might have noticed that we have built a SAC Native Application for a Fitness Challenge ( for the company employees. As we still do this challenge on a regular basis, we recently enhanced this by integrating Google Fit data into it.   The…

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STEPZ 2023 @ ZPARTNER Der Countdown läuft – endlich ist es wieder soweit! Unsere  STEPZ Challenge 2023 startet am 1.5.! Worum geht’s? Wir tun etwas für unsere Gesundheit und zeigen gleichzeitig wie SAP Frontend Tools funktionieren. In diesem Fall haben wir mit STEPZ eine SAC native Planungsanwendung in einer Analytic Application gebaut, mit der es uns möglich…

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