SAP Business Data Cloud SAP hat soeben ihr neuestes Produkt, die SAP Business Data Cloud (BDC) vorgestellt. Mit der Einführung der SAP Business Data Cloud (BDC) vereinen sich SAP Datasphere (DSP), SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) und SAP Business Warehouse (BW) zu einer leistungsstarken Plattform. Eine bahnbrechende Neuerung ist die Integration generativer KI, die die SAP…

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Road to Seamless Planning :: SAC Migration :: 2 :: Setup security settings Introduction As we move forward on our Road to Seamless Planning (, the next critical step in our SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) migration is setting up security in the new tenant. Security configurations ensure the right users and roles are assigned, access…

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Road to Seamless Planning :: SAC Migration :: 1.0 :: Setup Introduction As described in the Blog “Minimum Viable Product with Seamless Planning” ( a prerequisite for Seamless Planning is that the SAC tenant is running on HANA Cloud. Currently, our tenant is not hosted on HANA Cloud, making migration the first necessary step toward…

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Minimum Viable Product with Seamless Planning Introduction Seamless Planning was launched as a controlled release in Q4 2024. In this blog, we will develop a minimum viable product and share insights into how Seamless Planning could influence your SAP IT architecture. Distinction SAC Native Planning and Seamless Planning Many of you have likely worked with…

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SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) – Dynamic Time Navigation Overview This document is a step by step guide on how to work with Dynamic Time Navigation Functions. At the model level, Modellers and Planners can now utilize a new formula called ToPeriod, which calculates a running total over flexible time granularities for a specified period. Additionally,…

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SAP Analytic Cloud (SAC) Story on SAP Datasphere (DSP) 1. General  SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) is a powerful frontend tool and offers multiple options to collaborate between users. Data for SAC Stories are coming from different data sources. Either from BW live connections, Native Models, S3 buckets and many more as well as SAP Datasphere. SAP…

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Performance Monitoring in a SAC Story 1     Introduction In SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) it is now possible to analyse the performance from inside the story. This short blog gives an overview of how to use the new Performance Optimization tool. 2     How To: Performance Optimization Tool If the user experiences any performance issues with a…

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How To: SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) Presentation Mode General The Presentation mode is to display story content as a presentation. This feature replaces the Digital Boardroom. The Digital Boardroom is not available for Optimized Design Experience based stories anymore. This blog shows how to set-up a presentation in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) and the functions…

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Generate Combinations Function in SAC Planning In customer projects input queries are often restricted to only posted values to ensure optimal performance for the end-users. As business requirements are usually quite similar from year to year, this supports the end-user to easily plan their values in a well-arranged input form without thinking about validity of…

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SAP Analytics Cloud – „Search to Insight“ vs. „Just Ask“ SAP Analytics Cloud offers two options – „Search to Insight“ and „Just Ask“ – which are often seen as kind of AI. In the following Blog we will give a spotlight on this two options to find out what is really behind. We compare these…

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