SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) Story 2.0 Authorization 1     General SAP Analytics Cloud is a powerful frontend application and offers multiple options to share enterprise data with employees, management information consumers. With the new wave update 2023.3, Story 2.0 is available for everyone to use. Story 2.0 is the union between Story and Analytic Application for…

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DATA FLOWS IN SAP DATASPHERE (DSP) – Part 3: Using SQL Table Functions and incorporate them into your Data Flow Disclaimer SAP recently announced the launch of SAP Datasphere, which is the next generation of SAP Data Warehouse Cloud. Therefore, also the name from SAP Data Warehouse Cloud changed to SAP Datasphere. This blog, which…

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HOW TO – Use SAP UI5 Icons in SAC-Stories and SAC-Applications  Challenge  Icons are immensely helpful when designing SAP Analytic Cloud Stories and/or Applications. It helps to give a consistent view on navigation elements. There are multiple ways of creating Icons for instance via uploading of images.  This blog gives a “best practice” of having a consistent look…

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DATA FLOWS IN SAP DATASPHERE (DSP) – Part 2: Comparing Performance – The Script Operator Performance vs. SQL View Functions in Data Flows Disclaimer  SAP recently announced the launch of SAP Datasphere, which is the next generation of SAP Data Warehouse Cloud. Therefore, also the name from SAP Data Warehouse Cloud changed to SAP Datasphere….

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DATA FLOWS IN SAP DATASPHERE (DWC) – Part1: Introduction  Disclaimer  SAP recently announced the launch of SAP Datasphere, which is the next generation of SAP Data Warehouse Cloud. Therefore, also the name from SAP Data Warehouse Cloud changed to SAP Datasphere. This blog, which was posted ahead of this change, refers to SAP Data Warehouse…

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How Business Warehouse can help you in IBP Projects Introduction and Motivation Currently, there are different projects related to Integrated Business Planning ongoing. One motivation could be to have a successor for APO (Advanced Planning and Optimization). In case your system landscape contains a Business Warehouse system, you might be interested on how to utilize…

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Data Modeling with CDS Views – Part 3: Session Information, Case, Cast, Where, Input Parameter & Consumption filter Introduction This blog series will contain the basics of data modeling with CDS Views. The Part 1 will give you some information about the Syntax of a CDS view, Joins, Associations and Unions. You can find this…

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Data Modeling with CDS Views – Part 2: Currency/Unit Conversion & Date Functions Introduction This blog series is about the basics of data modeling with CDS Views. Part 1 gave you an overview about the Syntax of a CDS view, Joins, Associations and Unions. Part 2 will give you a short overwiew about Currency/Unit Conversion…

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Data Modeling with CDS Views – Part 1: Basics Introduction This blog series contains the basics of data modeling with CDS Views. The first Part will provide some information about the Syntax of  CDS views, Joins, Associations and Unions. CDS Syntax Just to give a very brief overview of the syntax of CDS, here I…

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Kennzahlen und Textvariablen mit ABAP CDS-Views – Query Design Teil 2 Einleitung Im Blog „dynamische Variablenableitung mit ABAP CDS“ wurde erklärt wie Parameter dynamisch befüllt und auf einen Queryfilter angewendet werden können. Auf dem selben Datenmodell aufbauend, zeigen wir im aktuellen Blog wie Parameterwerte für die Einschränkung von Kennzahlen verwendet werden die in einem Plan-\Ist…

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