Lifecycle Management in SAC – Transporting in SAC: Multi-Tenant Landscape 1      General SAP Analytics Cloud is a powerful frontend and offers multiple options to share stories with consumers. When consumption is growing it is also very important that new developments are deployed smoothly for end users especially in a landscape with multiple tenants The following…

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ZPARTNER Sommermeeting 2023 Noch ein paar Impressionen unseres diesjährigen Sommermeetings: Tag 2 begann mit einem Überblick über die Strategie und Entwicklung von ZPARTNER. Im Anschluss beschäftigten wir uns intensiv mit IT-Sicherheit und Datenschutz. Angesichts der steigenden Bedrohungen und aktuellen Datenschutzbestimmungen war es uns wichtig dieses Thema gemeinsam zu diskutieren. Am Nachmittag standen unsere Schwerpunkte im…

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Lifecycle Management in SAC – Content Network Storage: Multi-Content Network 1      General SAP Analytics Cloud is a powerful frontend tool and offers multiple options to share stories with consumers. When consumption is growing it is also very important that new developments are deployed smoothly for end users. Especially in a landscape with a tenant for…

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ZPARTNER @ DSAG Arbeitskreis Business Analytics Das Treffen des DSAG Arbeitskreises Business Analytics fand in der Stadthalle Hockenheim statt. Das Fazit zur An- und Abreise mit dem E-Auto fällt durchwegs positiv aus. Genau so wie das Fazit zur gesamten Veranstaltung. Beim Thema Planung konnten wir einige Neuerungen vorstellen, wie zum Beispiel die BPC Runtime Lizenz….

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ZPARTNER @ Meeting 2023 Tag 1: tri-technological tournament (BW/4 HANA, SAP DataSphere und S4/HANA) Endlich ist es wieder soweit, unser Sommermeeting 2023 ist gestartet :-)! Der erste Tag startete mit einem Programmierevent bei dem ein UseCase mit BW/4 HANA, SAP DataSphere und S4/HANA embedded analytics bearbeitet wurde um die Stärken und Schwächen jedes Systems herauszuarbeiten…

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Lifecycle Management in SAC – Content Network Storage: Single-Tenant Landscape  General  SAP Analytics Cloud is a powerful frontend and offers multiple options to share stories with consumers.   When consumption is growing it is also very important that new developments are deployed smoothly for end users.  Especially in a landscape with one tenant, acting as development…

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SAC Change Models in Stories  General  SAP Analytics Cloud is a powerful frontend tool and offers multiple options to create stories for various consumers for the available data.  Stories/Dashboards are built on models. In some cases, it can be necessary to exchange a model in a story with a new one. For example: if the…

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Lifecycle Management in SAC – Transporting : Single-Tenant Landscape 1      General SAP Analytics Cloud is a powerful frontend and offers multiple options to share stories with consumers.  When consumption is growing it is also very important that new developments are deployed smoothly for end users. Especially in a landscape with one tenant, acting as development system,…

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DATA FLOWS IN SAP DATASPHERE (DSP) – Part 4: Using Dataspheres HANA Cloud Instance with Table Functions and how to integrate them seamlessly   Introduction  In the final part of this series, we want show how to use the HANA cloud instance and its functionalities and consume them within SAP Datasphere and Data Flows. Therefore,…

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STEPZ @ ZPARTNER with Google Fit Integration Introduction  If you follow ZPARTNER, you might have noticed that we have built a SAC Native Application for a Fitness Challenge ( for the company employees. As we still do this challenge on a regular basis, we recently enhanced this by integrating Google Fit data into it.   The…

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