XMAS @ ZPARTNER „Das Christkind aber möge euch bringen,die schönsten von allen schönen Dingen. Und was ihr nur immer träumt, wünscht oder dachtet,dass ihr es wohl gern haben möchtet.“ (Wilhelm Busch) Wir wünschen unseren Mitarbeiter:innen und Geschäftspartner:innen ein schöne Feiertage und Alles Gute im neue Jahr! We wish our employees and business partners a Merry…

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Goodbye CDS View, Hello CDS View Entity – Part 2 This article is the second part of a blog series. It focuses on optimizations and new features. The previous part one explained the differences of the CDS View Entity compared to the legacy CDS View. 1. Optimizations And Simplifications 1.1. Input Parameter Handling For a…

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Goodbye CDS View, Hello CDS View Entity – Part 1 This article is the first part of a blog series. It explains the differences of the CDS View Entity compared to the legacy CDS View. Part two will focus on optimizations and new features. 1. Introduction The CDS view has been deprecated by SAP. It…

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BW/4HANA: Plädoyer für die InPlace Konvertierung  Situation  Die Uhr tickt. Die Wartung für 7.5 BW-Systeme (BW7x) endet im Jahr 2027 bzw. 2030. Es wird zunehmend dringlich, für jedes BW-System eine klare Zukunftsstrategie zu entwickeln. Die Zeit des Zögerns ist aus meiner Sicht vorbei, da SAP mittlerweile Klarheit darüber geschaffen hat, wie es mit BW/4HANA (BW4)…

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CDC Delta Series – Part 1: Loading behavior (Header vs. Joined Item) Introduction This blog series will contain detailed topics with CDC Delta within a CDS-View. Part 1 will give you some information about the delta loading behavior between a header table versus an item table joined with the header table. Scenario CDS Views To…

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Hierarchies in Core Data Services for ABAP Part 2: CDS hierarchies Introduction In our last blog post on hierarchies in ABAP CDS views, we covered annotation-based hierarchies. In this blog we will cover another way on how to implement hierarchies in ABAP CDS views, by using the hierarchy keyword. This feature was introduced with SAP…

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ZPARTNER Franz-Josef Katzdobler @ DSAG 2023 „Wunderbar Wandelbar“ lautete das Motte beim DSAG Jahreskongress in Bremen dieses Jahr. Besonders interessiert hat mich, wie die einzelnen Kunden ihre SAP Analytics Architekturen verwandeln. Dabei lassen sich einige Trends erkennen. Ganz klar angekommen ist die SAP Analytics Cloud, und zwar fast überall. Sowohl im Reporting als auch in…

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Embedded Analytics with SAP Fiori – How to create analytical web dynpro apps and assign them by role based authorizations Introduction and Objectives In previous blogs we described the CDS data model and how ABAP CDS views are created and used for different purposes, whereby Analysis for Office was mainly used as reporting frontend. In…

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How to survive with SAP GUI for support tasks under BW/4HANA  Intro  Coming from SAP BW 7.50 to BW/4HANA you will recognize that some transactions are no longer accessible in SAP GUI and shifted as good as possible to Eclipse. User Interface to handle tasks especially within the support area are shifted too. Tasks like…

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How to enhance comments on BW/BPC live Connections in SAP Analytics Cloud with full name of the owner  Introduction  A very nice feature of commenting on BW/BPC live Connections in SAP Analytics Cloud was described by the blog of Gerd Schoeffl (https://blogs.sap.com/2023/04/27/comments-on-bw-bpc-live-connections-in-sap-analytics-cloud/ ). This feature is amazing, especially in the context of analytics.  In my…

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